
Showing posts matching the search for Social

Attracting Website Visitors

Posting on social media can attract clients, build reputations, and  drive traffic to websites.  Popular providers include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and X (Twitter). Below are tips for using social media and linking it to websites. Also included are links to articles, books, checklists, and examples. Tips Analyze  - use analytic tools to monitor visits to firm websites and social media. Delegate - delegate responsibility for posting and monitoring on firm social media accounts. Delete - remove links to social media accounts that have become inactive. Explain  - mention social media accounts on the firm's About Us Page. Focus - focus on a few accounts and post to them regularly. Link - make social media findable by linking to bottom of each page of the firm website. Articles Attracting Visitors with Chatbots and Videos Benefits of Social Media Best Posting Frequency Ethical Considerations Exemplary Use of Social Media Managing Social Media Marketin...

Marketing with Social Media

Social media impacts careers, discovery, marketing, reputation, and research. ABA surveys indicate that many lawyers and firms are using social media tools like Blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Podcasts, and Twitter. Get started or improve your skills by reading the articles and books linked below. Articles  Alternatives Avoiding Over Use Best Practices   Creating Brand Identity Discovery in Legal Proceedings Influencers   Ethics   LinkedIn for Lawyers Marketing with LinkedIn Metrics   Networking Managing Social Media Marketing with Social Media Networking Participating in Online Communities Strategies Using LinkedIn Time Tips   Writing Books  Creating an Online Publishing Strategy Facebook in One Hour for Lawyers Lawyers Guide to Social Media LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers LinkedIn Marketing Techniques Legal Ethics and Social Media Marketing on the Internet Social Media Law Social Media Marketing Twitter in One Hour for Lawyers Young Lawyers Guide to Soci...

Marketing with Audio

Social audio apps facilitate networking as a broadcaster or a listener. Broadcast from your home or office. Listen while driving, walking, or doing chores. Social Audio is live with no recording or playback. Current platforms include Cappuccino, Clubhouse, Quilt, and Twitter Spaces. Listeners participate by  raising their hand to ask a question or comment.   Social Audio is another way that technology is transforming how lawyers communicate, interact, learn, and market. Get tips from articles about Audio Networks ,  Clubhouse for Lawyers , New Ways to Network , Social Audio For Lawyers , and Using Twitter Spaces .  Also see blog posts about Webcasting Tools and how to marketing with   Blogging , Podcasting , and  Social Media .

Enhancing Reputations

A good reputation helps persuade clients, colleagues, and the judiciary. It attracts cases, adds authority, and improves interactions. Following is an action plan and resources to manage reputations for successful firms and careers.     Action Plan Branding - use a tagline on business cards, brochures, and websites. Listing - list in legal directories and social media; update at least annually. Monitoring - conduct weekly searches for inaccurate and negative information (e.g., Google, Bing, and social media). Planning - create a personal development plan to improve knowledge, skills, and abilities. Publishing - publish articles on blogs, periodicals, social media, and websites. Reviews - encourage reviews, reply to negative ones, and report fakes. Surveying - survey client satisfaction and respond to comments. Volunteering - pursue volunteer opportunities to develop your reputation.   Articles Willie Peacock, Strategies for Efficient Lawyer Reputation Management , C...

Leading Healthy Lifestyles

A healthy lifestyle helps lawyers thrive throughout life. Stay healthy with annual medical checkups, balanced meals, daily meditation, and weekly exercise.  Avoid digital addiction by turning off notifications, putting devices away during family time, and setting daily time limits on personal use of email and social media.  Practice mindfulness with a daily Yoga class and listening to meditation music before bedtime.  Read below for additional tips and resources to improve your  health and productivity.  The resources include articles, books and websites for lawyers. More Tips Be Active - Do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise several times a week.  Get up from your desk at least hourly for a  two a minute walk.  Dink Water  - Drink 125 ounces/day (91 ounces for women) of water every day to regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, prevent infections, and keep organs functioning. Eat Well -  A healthy diet will reduce the risk of complicat...

Writing a Bio

Well-written biographical information can attract clients, enhance reputations, get jobs, and recruit staff. Biographies tell a narrative story that promote you and your firm. They are used in directory listings, business proposals, firm websites, and social media profiles. They give prospects a reason for consulting you.  Use the tips and resources below to help write a new biography or update an old one.   Ask an associate or marketing professional to proofread your bio and suggest improvements.  Mark your calendar with an annual reminder to update your directory listings, social media profile, and website bio.   Tips Audience - adversaries, clients, judges, prospects, and recruits Awards - mention awards and accomplishments Contact - include contact information and a link for submitting inquiries Content  - provide credentials, history, personal interests, and practice areas  Graphics - insert a professional quality photograph and use bulleted lists...

Using Hashtags

Hashtags (#) and handles (@) can be used to search content on social media and increase the visibility of your postings. Use # with words to lure readers searching for those words. Tag people and organizations with @ to attract searchers looking for them. Learn how to use handles and hashtags by reading articles about them ,  what they mean , marketing with hashtags ,  popular legal tags , hashtag etiquette ,  promoting your firm with tags,  using on  LinkedIn  and Instagram , and tips for searching with tags . Read  articles about using Instagram ,  LinkedIn and Twitter hashtags. Also see the  post   about  marketing with social media   and visit the ABA's web page with social media resources . , us

Blocking Unwanted Ads

Advertising can be distracting and stressful, Below are tips for blocking ads and a list of resources. Take action now to to avoid becoming overwhelmed by ads on  cellphones, computers, and other smart devices.   Tips   Browsers  – use an ad blocker to stop receiving ads from appearing in browsers. Calls  – block unknown callers or send their calls sent to voicemail. Emails  – report spammers and move their messages to spam folders. Internet  – check privacy settings for accounts on Apple, Google, and Microsoft. Notification  – disable notifications for email and texts to avoid distractions. Radio  – listen to ad-free podcasts and music on streaming services to stop radio commercials. Search Engines  – turn off ad tracking on search engines. Social Media  – enable privacy settings on social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, X, etc. Texts  – block texts from unknown senders or segregate them in a separate folder. TV  – replace...

Keeping Lawyers Happy

Below is a list of tips for keeping lawyers happy at your firm. And beneath the list are links to articles and books with additional tips. Happy lawyers are committed, engaged, and productive. They are less susceptible to burnout and unlikely to leave for a new position.  Tips for Keeping Lawyers Happy Amenities - Provide concierge services; reimburse commuting expenses, add  fitness classes  Assistance - Support those with mobility and family issues Balance  -  Offer part-time work and reduce billable hour requirements Bonuses  - pay bonuses at an appropriate frequency Collaboration  - Conduct firm meetings to promote collaboration and teamwork Compensation -  be vigilant to keep competitive pay and benefits Feedback  - Give guidance and feedback Rewards - Acknowledge and reward accomplishments Socialization - Host social events to facilitate team building Space  - add outdoor areas for work and socializing  Snacks  -...

Keeping Current

Set aside time in your daily schedule to check developments in law, news, and technology. Keep current on legal news by visiting legal news websites . Stay alert to general news by subscribing to top ranked aggregators , associations ,  blogs , newsletters , newspapers , podcasts ,  twitter feeds , and websites . U se social media posts for quick updates and scholarly journals for deeper learning.  Use  podcasts ,  social media , and webinars while commuting, exercising, or travelling. Consult a bias checker to view a  bias chart . Avoid information overload by curating news sources and limiting media use, and switching off alerts. For more strategies, read articles about  checking facts ,  preemption checking ,  publications for lawyers , and staying current on legal news and  current events .  Also check resources at websites maintained by law libraries at universities of  HK , USF , and  UW .

Becoming a Legal Twitterer

Surveys  show that a significant number of lawyers and their firms are using Twitter.  Lawyers mostly use Twitter for following news, marketing, and establishing reputations. See samples using a  Directory of Legal Twitterers , a  List of Lawyers to Follow , or a  Table of Top Law Feeds .  Learn more by reading articles about the benefits of Twitter , creating an account , ethical issues , getting followers , marketing with social media ,  starting up , and user tips .   Also see O'Reilly's  Twitter Book  and the ABA's   Guide to Legal Ethics and Social Media.

Marketing for Lawyers

Marketing activities are essential activity for a successful firm. Start by selecting low-cost activities like attending luncheons and handing out business cards. Measure results to focus on activities that bring more cases. See below for a list of marketing alternatives and resources for implementing them.    Activities Adopt slogan Distribute business cards Email Marketing Messages Give gifts Improve websites Issue press releases Offer checkups Maintain Firm Websites Mail Postcards Make speeches Participate in Online Communities Planning for Marketing Request Feedback Send pamphlets Staying Social Update directories Use social media Write articles Articles Action Plans for Law Firm Marketing Broadening Your Client Base Cost Effective Marketing Techniques Comprehensive Marketung Plan Creative Marketing Strategies Daily Marketing Activities Email Marketing Future of Marketing by Lawyers Getting New Clients Guide to Marketing Activities Managing Client Relationships Market...