
Showing posts from June, 2021

Going Paperless

Below are tips on how to become paperless office or reduce the amount of paper used in your practice. Less paper means lower costs and greater efficiency. For detailed guidance, read articles about  going paperless , why it might be right for you , and simple steps for going paperless . Also see LexBlog's Guide to Transitioning to a Paperless Law Firm  and ABA Books about Going Paperless  and Paperless in One Hour .   Visit the Paperless Lawyer Website  for a blog and podcasts about going paperless. View the  Paper Chase  movie for an award-winning look at student life at Harvard Law School in the 1970’s. GOING PAPERLESS 1. Switch to a paperless client intake system 2. Create a system for ensuring files stay paperless 3, Digitize your existing paper files 4. Scan any paper as it comes into the office 5. Keep paperless files organized 6. Avoid creating paper by not using printers and fax machines

Marketing with Business Cards

Despite the widespread use of social media for marketing, business cards remain an effective rainmaking tool. Make your card distinctive by including an image, logo, and slogan. Consider mentioning business hours and that consultations are available in person or online. Use the flip side to provide additional information like emergency contact details or translation into another language. For more ideas, read articles about designing business cards , trends in business cards , and using them for marketing . Create them on your home printer or have them engraved by an office supply store . 

Screening Employee Health

Many firms are screening staff before they enter law offices.  Health screening is recommended by the CDC and required by some local laws. Screening helps prevent exposure and transmission of Covid-19. Alternatives include smartphone apps, temperature checks, and self-certifications. Since  screening can miss infected people, it is important to continue safety measures like requiring unvaccinated to wear masks.  Below are some tips and resources for screening staff and visitors:  Tips Arrivals  - stagger arrivals to avoid bottlenecks and contamination Compliance  - delegate compliance responsibility to a lawyer or assistant Privacy  -  limit access to daily health screening records  Records  - keep records to comply with local city/state regulations Screenings - conduct health screenings in a private area Resources Apps - apps for health tracking Articles - articles about masking ,  procedures ,  reopening  and  screening Forms  - certification forms from CBIA ,  CDC , and  SHRM  Guida

Dressing for Success

Remote working has changed fashion from   casual to leisure .  This trend may reverse with the return to courthouses, conference rooms, and offices. To dress for success, update  firm dress codes, keep backup clothing at the office, use a distinctive style, and check for fit. For more tips, read the articles below about dressing professionally , updating dress codes, and fashion trends.  Clothing Business Casual Rules (with Photos) , GQ, Mar 15, 2019 Dressing for the Courtroom , ABA Journal, Jan 16, 2020 Female Fashion Trends for the Office , Town & Country, Jan 4, 2022 Going Back to the Office , Rolling Stone, Apr. 12, 2022 How Women Lawyers Should Dress , ISBA, Apr. 12, 2015 Looking Good on Zoom , Attorney at Work, Sept 23, 2020 Men's Look for Business Casual , WSJ, Feb 8, 2022 Tips for Lawyers , Law Firm Suites, Feb, 23, 2016 What to Wear as a Lawyer , Gentlemen's Gazette, Nov 23, 2017 Codes Abandoning Dress Codes,  Atlantic Magazine, May 2020 History of Dress Codes , Fo

Audio vs Video Calling

Below are tips for deciding whether to use audio or video when calling adversaries, clients, or associates. Audio calling remains a workhorse for communication despite the growing use of video calling. Consider switching off video during conference calls to avoid distraction. Improve your communication skills by reading articles about best practices , calling techniques ,  communication policies , and video conferencing tools . Also see the ABA book about Improving Client Communications  and Clio’s Guide to Videoconferencing for Lawyers . Calling with Audio vs Video Accommodation  - be considerate of hearing impaired who need visual cues. Audio - useful for short and impromptu calls; use to focus on what is said and take notes.   Fatigue - limit the length and number of video calls to avoid fatigue. Medium  - determine the best medium for your message - calling, writing, or face-to-face Notification  - alert callers at the start of calls about your preference for audio vs video.  Vide

Moonlighting for Lawyers

Moonlighting helps lawyers advance careers, supplement income, and expand networks. It makes lawyers empowered, energetic, and productive at their jobs. Their firms benefit because moonlighters develop skills and meet prospects. Popular options include lecturing at CLE events, mediating disputes, writing books, teaching at colleges, and temporary judicial appointments. Learn more about professional activities  by reading articles about ethical considerations , law firm policies ,  moonlighting alternatives , non-legal jobs , part-time practice ,  pros and cons , and side projects . For in-depth study, read career books like the ABA's Guide to Building a Successful Law Career , NALP's Guide to Legal Specialties , and Thompson's Career Management Handbook .  

Replacing Apple Devices

Below is a list of Apple products with recommendations for when to replace old ones. To learn more about timing purchases of Apple products, read  Best Time to Buy Apple Products  and visit the  iPhone JD  blog and the  9to5Mac  website. Also read about making phones last and  replacing devices with battery decay . Time for Replacing Apple Products iPhone SE  - update expected in early 2025 take will add  USB-C (instead of Lightning connector) iPhone -  wait till Fall 2024 update for faster processor. Update in Fall 2023 added USB-C and update in 2022 added eSims, improved camera, screen and faster processors. AirPods - Lower AirPod prices expected in fall 2024. Update in 2023 Air Pods brought USB-C charging to AirPod Pro. Apple Watch - Delay until Apple releases its Apple Watch 10 in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025. Last upgrade brought only modest improvements.   iPad -  iPad Mini update expected in Spring 2025.  iPad Pro and iPad were updated in Spring 2024.  MacBook  - Pro updated with

Improving Reviews

Build your reputation with client reviews at Google, Facebook, Yelp and other review sites. And improve your image with peer reviews from Justia, Martindale, and other rating organizations.  Request reviews after a positive in-person consultation or a favorable settlement. Respond to negative reviews and request removal of fake and unjustified reviews. Include links to reviews and ratings on business cards, stationery and firm websites. Respond to comments whether positive or negative. Periodically check your ratings, reviews, and online reputation.  See below for links to articles about ratings, reviews, and examples at law firm websites.   Articles Clients - keeping clients happy , better client experience , giving clients what they want Managing Reviews - action plan , getting better reviews ,   improving reputations ,  optimizing reviews , reputation management ,   responding to reviews Review Sites  -   Facebook ,   Google ,  Yelp , and  other lawyer review sites Rating Organiza

Marketing with Postcards

P ostcards are an easy and inexpensive way to stay in touch with clients, prospects, and referral sources. Use postcards to alert readers to office changes, new lawyers, and legal issues. Use wording that reminds readers that you can help solve legal problems and win lawsuits. Send postcards by US Mail or attach them to an email. For more tips, read articles about  lawyer marketing  and ethical considerations . Also see articles about direct mail marketing and communicating with email ,  letters ,  mail ,  postcards  and greeting Cards . See below for features to consider and sources for purchasing and mailing postcards.  Features Brevity - be concise to promote readership Communication - use text to connect with clients Graphics - add eye-catching images and photos Marketing - educate readers about legal services Sources Vista Print   - customized Postcard Mania -  off-the-shelf cards by industry (including lawyers) Modern Postcards  -  customized Postcard Services -  customized Te