
Showing posts with the label Health

Sleeping Better

Getting 7 to 9 hours of nightly sleep helps us to avoid diabetes, hypertension, inflammation, and obesity. Eliminating interruptions during sleep enables your body to heal itself and refresh. Learn how to sleep better by reading Harvard Health Letter’s article abou  steps for better sleep , WSJ's   sleep strategies , and WebMD's   Sleep Checklist . Review tips for avoiding night owl syndrome ,   limiting light , resetting schedules ,   hybrid work , and sleeping on red-eye flights . Visit the   Sleep Foundation   website for more articles. See a doctor when   sleep is   disrupted by breathing difficulties.  Learn serenity tips by reading articles about   achieving work-life balance ,  overcoming anxiety ,  and  staying clam .  Try purchasing   gadgets to help you sleep bette r and following these sleep strategies:   Apps  - use tracking apps to monitor sleep habits and reinforce good sleeping hab...

Improving Productivity

Below is a list of personal productivity tips from the ABA Guide to Doing More in Less Time .  The book was written by two lawyer/consultants who explain easy to implement steps each to improve your practice and well-being. The detailed Table of Contents facilitates adopting of strategies one-at-time.  Set a goal of reading a chapter every month to work smarter. For additional study, see check the apps, articles, and books listed below.   STRATEGIES Create Systems Eliminate Distractions Delegate to Others Eliminate Clutter Schedule Tasks and Use Calendars Plan Meetings Remove clutter from desktops Set goals and priorities Use technology tools Apps AI Tools Calendars To Do Lists Productivity Articles Being More Efficient Boosting Petsonal Productivity Increasing Employee Productivity Improving the Workplace Keeping Time Self-Improvement Using Calendars to Manage Tasks Books Collaboration Tools   Organizational Skills Project Management   Time Management ...

Benefiting From Community Service

Volunteering helps lawyers to stay connected and make new contacts. Volunteers improve their sense of well-being, enhance their reputation, and attract clients to their firms. Start volunteering by visiting the ABA Directory of Volunteer Activities  and the ABA Pro Bono Website . See the articles listed below for volunteering tips and visit law Firm websites for examples of lawyers serving their communities.  Articles Benefiting from Community Service Branding Yourself with Community Service Building Your Community Presence Improve Well- Being by Donating Your Time and Money Giving Back to Your Community Helping Associates Do Pro Bono Marketing Power of Community Service Senior Lawyers Serving Pro Bono Supporting Your Community Young Lawyer Involvement Working on Political Campaigns Law Firm Websites Kean Miller (Baton Rouge) William Berenson (Ft. Worth) Kang Haggerty (Philadelphia) Chris Early  (Boston) Breakstone White & Gluck (Boston) John Day (Nashville) Chepe...

Keeping Lawyers Happy

Below is a list of tips for keeping lawyers happy at your firm. And beneath the list are links to articles and books with additional tips. Happy lawyers are committed, engaged, and productive. They are less susceptible to burnout and unlikely to leave for a new position.  Tips for Keeping Lawyers Happy Amenities - Provide concierge services; reimburse commuting expenses, add  fitness classes  Assistance - Support those with mobility and family issues Balance  -  Offer part-time work and reduce billable hour requirements Bonuses  - pay bonuses at an appropriate frequency Collaboration  - Conduct firm meetings to promote collaboration and teamwork Compensation -  be vigilant to keep competitive pay and benefits Feedback  - Give guidance and feedback Rewards - Acknowledge and reward accomplishments Socialization - Host social events to facilitate team building Space  - add outdoor areas for work and socializing  Snacks  -...

Masking Strategies

During Summer of 2022, the CDC relaxed Covid requirements due to declining case counts and rising immunity. As a result, schools and workplaces are relaxing requirements for masking and vaccinating. However, individuals with breathing problems may need to continue being cautious about isolating, masking, and vaccinating. Protect yourself by getting vaccinated, boosted, and wearing a mask when appropriate. Carry a mask with you and use a N95 or KN95 mask instead of a cloth or surgical mask. For more tips masking tips, read the articles listed below. For recent updates, read articles about masking FAQ’s  and  mask strategies for offices and individuals . For entertainment, watch the  Wear a Mask Parody . Articles About Masking Avoiding Counterfeit Masks Buying a Reliable Mask Changing Rules on Masking Convincing Employees to Wear Masks CDC Relaxes Masking Requirement Deciding Whether to Wear Masks Deciding Whether to Require Masks Encouraging Others to Wear Masks Individual...

Preventing Covid

Covid may continue for years and flare up at different times and places . Proactive employers are slowing down re-openings, making masking mandatory, and requiring immunizations. Individuals can be proactive by getting a booster, resuming masking, and following the additional tips listed below. Monitor the  Coronavirus situation and adjust practices for new developments. For more tips, read the CDC's  Recommendations for Individuals   and HBR's Guide for Employers . See articles about Breakthrough Covid ,  Covid Proofing Offices ,  Delayed Reopenings ,  Delta FAQ's ,   Expert Advice , New Guidance ,  Preparing Firms for Next Outbreak ,   Protecting Yourself ,  Staying Safe , Vaccinations , and   When Covid Will Peak . Also see AARP’s state-by-state Summary of Covid Restrictions . TIPS FOR INDIVIDUALS Activity - avoid public places and resume curbside pickups from groceries and restaurants Dining - limit patronage to restaurant...

Preventing Burnout

Burnout can lead to career changes, low morale, and reduced productivity. Individuals can avoid burnout by getting support, reducing workloads, seeking affection, staying socially connected, and taking sabbaticals. Firms can prevent burnout by offering part-time tracks, providing socialization, and reducing stress.  For more tips, consult the articles, books, and websites listed below.   Articles Adopting Bar Initiatives   Assessing Social Media Use Avoiding information Overload Being Mindful Coping with Job Pressure Crying to Relieve Stress Enjoying Yourself How Firms Can Prevent Burnout Hiring a Burnout Advisor Organizing Social Activities Preventing Lawyer Burnout Promoting Well-Being Recognizing Problems Preventing Burn-Out Protecting Attention Smiling for Well-Being Walking to Reduce Stress Well Being With Water Therapy Books   Addicted to Busy Preventing Burnout The Happy Lawyer Websites Lawyer Well-Being   Very Well Mind   Work-Life Balance

Screening Employee Health

Many firms are screening staff before they enter law offices.  Health screening is recommended by the CDC and required by some local laws. Screening helps prevent exposure and transmission of Covid-19. Alternatives include smartphone apps, temperature checks, and self-certifications. Since  screening can miss infected people, it is important to continue safety measures like requiring unvaccinated to wear masks.  Below are some tips and resources for screening staff and visitors:  Tips Arrivals  - stagger arrivals to avoid bottlenecks and contamination Compliance  - delegate compliance responsibility to a lawyer or assistant Privacy  -  limit access to daily health screening records  Records  - keep records to comply with local city/state regulations Screenings - conduct health screenings in a private area Resources Apps - apps for health tracking Articles - articles about masking ,  procedures ,  reopening  and  scree...

Covid Proofing Offices

Following are Covid-19 precautions for law offices. For more guidance, r ead articles about  best practices , encouraging masking ,  health screening , leading your firm through Covid ,  mandating masks ,  requiring vaccinations , and  when to reopen .  Also see  Covid-19 websites maintained by the  ABA ,  CDC  , SHRM ,  and  WHO .   See   Wolters Kluwer Smart Charts to follow regulations adopted by federal agencies and comply with state and local laws.  Checklist for Covid-19 Safety Attendance - limit headcount in the office with staggered days and times Coordinator  - appoint a  Covid-19 safety coordinator Communication  - email plans to lawyers and staff; video conference for safety training Layout - rearrange furniture to increase distancing; limit capacity of conference rooms Notices  - promptly notify lawyers and staff when co-workers test positive  for Covid-19 Planning - adopt ...

Requiring Masks

Listed below are masking alternatives adopted by law firms that have reopened their offices. Also listed are masking articles, checklists, policies, and procedures. Masking strategies are complicated by Coronavirus surges, changing mandates, and varying attitudes. Use these resources to help your firm adopt a policy and comply with laws governing masking.  Masking Alternatives 1. Honor System - assume those without masks have been vaccinated 2. Acknowledgement   Procedure - require acknowledgment  that mask wearing is required if unvaccinated 3. Documentation System - require staff to submit proof of  vaccination Articles Advice for Employers American Attitudes  on Masking B enefits  of Masking E ncouraging  Masking Masking Policies Masking P rocedures Checklists Reopening Checklist   Policies Vaccination Requirements Voluntary Use of Masks Mandatory Use of Masks Surveys Survey of State Mask Mandates Charting of Federal Regulations  

Requiring VaccInations

During 2022, Employers started suspending Covid vaccine mandates but many continue to encourage vaccinations and boosters to maintain immunity from Covid.  See below  for resources about requiring and encouraging vaccinations.  Resources Checklists Employer Vaccine Considerations and Checklist Employer Best Practices for Addressing COVID-19 Vaccination Articles Americans Support Vaccination Mandates Bumpy Road for Employers Businesses Treat the Unvaccinated Differently CDC Guidance Considerations Before Asking Vaccination Status Encouraging Vaccinations Federal Vaccine Mandate How Employers Can Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy Law Firm Vaccinations Pros and Cons of Requiring Boosters Reaching Herd Immunity Requiring Staff to Get the Covid-19 Vaccine Responding When Vaccines Are Refused Talking to People Hesitant to Vaccinate  Surveys Map Showing Rules in Every State Support for Vaccination Proof Varies by Activity State Legislation of Employer Mandated Vaccination...

Seeking Serenity

Serenity can help lawyers reduce stress and improve mental acuity. Serenity is a calm state of mind that can be achieved by attending yoga classes, embracing change, giving gratitude, seeking positive influences, and practicing daily meditation.  Learn more serenity tips by reading articles about achieving work-life balance , overcoming anxiety , preventing burnout ,  seeking serenity ,  praying for serenity ,  and staying clam . A lso see the ABA's book on  Well-Being  an d its website on  Mental Health . Consider saying the Serenity Prayer every morning as a  reminder to help them stay on track for the rest of the day.  Serenity Prayer God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the  courage to change the things I can,  and wisdom to know the difference.

Overcoming Anxiety

Warning signs of anxiety include excessive worry, chronic fatigue, constant irritability, gastrointestinal distress, nagging fear, and inadequate sleep. To avoid anxiety, keep connected with family and friends, schedule weekly exercise sessions, make time for social activities and structure your days. Seek the help of a coach or psychologist if you are unable to overcome your anxiety. For additional tips, see the articles, books and websites listed below. Articles Avoiding Burnout Battling Depression Being Mindful Clearing Hazards   Clinical Depression Crying to Relieve Anxiety Decision Fatigue Defusing Time Pressure Diagnosing Anxiety   Foods to Fight Depression Maintaining Mental Health Managing Stress Fighting Forgetfulness Overcoming Anger and Anxiety Preventing Burnout Seeking Professional Help Recognizing and Treating Depression Stopping Social Media Overload   Staying Calm Thriving with Anxiety   Books Guide to a Satisfying Practice   Models for Happy Law...

Creating Healthy Workspaces

Protect your yourself and others against diseases like the Coronavirus.  Enhance surface cleaning with disinfectants, increase intake of outside air, upgrade furnace filters, and use UV lights in HVAC systems. Post signs to encourage hand cleaning, masking, and social distancing. Remove chairs to reduce the capacity of  conference rooms and waiting rooms.  Space cubicles further apart and install plexiglass dividers between them. For more tips, read articles about best practices for reopening ,  boosting well-being , creating healthy workspaces ,  improving air quality ,  pandemic proofing your office ,  redesigning office space,    workspace ergonomics , and  reimagining workplaces . Consult the resources at Covid websites maintained by the ABA ,  CDC and WHO . 

Leading Healthy Lifestyles

A healthy lifestyle helps lawyers thrive throughout life. Stay healthy with annual medical checkups, balanced meals, daily meditation, and weekly exercise.  Avoid digital addiction by turning off notifications, putting devices away during family time, and setting daily time limits on personal use of email and social media.  Practice mindfulness with a daily Yoga class and listening to meditation music before bedtime.  Read below for additional tips and resources to improve your  health and productivity.  The resources include articles, books and websites for lawyers. More Tips Be Active - Do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise several times a week.  Get up from your desk at least hourly for a  two a minute walk.  Dink Water  - Drink 125 ounces/day (91 ounces for women) of water every day to regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, prevent infections, and keep organs functioning. Eat Well -  A healthy diet will reduce the risk of complicat...