Improving Video Calls

Below are tips for using video conferencing apps and links to articles and books for more help. Video calling has become popular for a variety of uses including one-on-one calls, meetings, and presentations. A number of free and inexpensive services are available for making video calls, including Adobe Connect, Google Meets, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.  Improve your appearance and professionalism by mastering the conferencing apps used by organizations and clients.

Use a Virtual Background
Make Yourself More Attractive
Be Prepared to Mute a Participant's Mic 
Use Gallery View to See all Participants
Use Screen Sharing to Show Slides
Turn Off Mic Before Meeting
Record Meetings for Replay

Managing Videoconferencing
Videoconferencing Tips

Google Meets Made Easy
Harnessing the Benefits of Video Conferencing Using Zoom
Microsoft Teams for Dummies


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