Developing Leaders
Lawyers with leadership skills can help their firms overcome obstacles, win cases, and work as a team. Establish your reputation as a leader by critiquing in private, praising in public, and providing weekly feedback to staff. Institutionalize leadership with chains of command, firm newsletters, reward systems, training workshops, and weekly team meetings. Get inspired by reading bios of legal rebels and other law firm leaders. Learn about leadership by reading articles about bar leaders, blind spots, building character, developing leaders, firm leadership, in-house hierarchies, leadership development, practice group chairs, secrets of successful leaders, styles of leadership, traits of leaders, and training leaders. For in-depth study, read the ABA’s Lessons in Leadership, FDCC’s Leadership for Lawyers, McKenna’s Herding Cats, and PWC's Guide to Talent Management. Nominate your firm leaders for an ABA or GP Award or for recognition from local, specialty, and state bar associations.
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