Improving Personal Performance

As we age, we get better at some things, worse at others, and reach plateaus. However, exercise and mindfulness can help us maintain abilities as we age.  Below are ages when abilities peak and recommendations for maintaining them.  

Aging and Abilities

Cognition - knowledge and thinking skills continue to improve through the 70's. Practice mindfulness and read books to expand knowledge.

Emotion - ability to control emotion peaks in the 50's. Regulate emotions by keeping a mood journal, listening to music, and using meditation.  

Recognition - memory for faces is greatest in the 20's and then declines around 30. Improve recognition skills by looking for facial markings like freckles and scars. Protect eyesight with annual checkups.

Memory - short-term memory peaks by mid-20's and then declines in the mid-30's. Improve memory by eating a brain-healthy diet, using mnemonic devices, and sleeping at least 7 hours every night.

Strength - physical strength peaks around 25 and then begins a gradual decline. Stay fit with aerobic exercise and strength training. Join a fitness club for reinforcement and socialization.

Vocabulary - vocabulary skills peak in the 60's. Develop your vocabulary by playing word games and putting new words into your conversations and writing.  

Well-Being - psychological well-being peaks in the 80's.  Stay socially connected with family and friends. Recognize your limitations and adjust your lifestyle.


Aging can adversely affect memory, strength, and vision, but abilities can be maintained by staying fit throughout life. Achieve peak performance by following the lifestyle tips mentioned in this article and using the resources listed below. Focus on  exercise and mindfulness to achieve peak performance.


Clare Ansberry, Here's When We Hit Our Physical and Mental Peaks, Wall Street Journal, Jul. 4, 2023.

Andrew Budson, How to Stay Strong and Coordinated As You Age, Harvard Medical School Newsletter, Dec. 2, 2021.


Jessica Bednarz, Catherine Sanders Reach, and Juda Strawczynski, Design Your Law Practice: Using Design Thinking to Get Next Level Results, ABA Book Publ., Feb. 7, 2023.

Heidi K Brown, The Flourishing Lawyer: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Performance and Well-Being, ABA Book Publ., May 3, 2022.

Jeena Cho and Karen Gifford, The Anxious Lawyer: An 8-Week Guide to a Joyful and Satisfying Law Practice Through Mindfulness and Meditation, ABA Book Publ., Jul. 13, 2022.

Jeremy Richter, Building a Better Law Practice: Become a Better Lawyer in Five Minutes a Day,  ABA Book Publ., Jun. 27, 2018.

CBA (Meditation)
Team Body Project (Strength Training)
Walk With a Doc (Aerobics)
Yoga Vista (Yoga)


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