
Attracting Website Visitors

Posting on social media can attract clients, build reputations, and  drive traffic to websites.  Popular providers include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and X (Twitter). Below are tips for using social media and linking it to websites. Also included are links to articles, books, checklists, and examples. Tips Analyze  - use analytic tools to monitor visits to firm websites and social media. Delegate - delegate responsibility for posting and monitoring on firm social media accounts. Delete - remove links to social media accounts that have become inactive. Explain  - mention social media accounts on the firm's About Us Page. Focus - focus on a few accounts and post to them regularly. Link - make social media findable by linking to bottom of each page of the firm website. Articles Attracting Visitors with Chatbots and Videos Benefits of Social Media Best Posting Frequency Ethical Considerations Exemplary Use of Social Media Managing Social Media Marketin...

Getting Politically Active

Political activity helps marketing, networking, and performing civic duty. Below are tips for staying politically active and resources for implementing them.     Tips   Encourage Others  - rally family and friends to vote. Influence Outcomes  - influence outcomes by voting for candidates that support your causes.  Investigate Candidates  - research voting records of candidates and their truthfulness. Participate  - consider volunteering to help candidates to win election.  Register  - confirm your voter registration and calendar for renewal. Stay Informed  - read local and national publications to determine candidate positions.  Vote Early  - avoid long lines by voting early or balloting by mail.   Articles Kelsey Alpaio,  How to Respond When Someone Says I'm Not Voting , Harvard Business Review, Oct. 28, 2020. Dena Bunis,  Six Ways to Check Out a Candidate , AARP, Apr. 30, 2018. Kayleigh Lickliter,  Ho...

Blocking Unwanted Ads

Advertising can be distracting and stressful, Below are tips for blocking ads and a list of resources. Take action now to to avoid becoming overwhelmed by ads on  cellphones, computers, and other smart devices.   Tips   Browsers  – use an ad blocker to stop receiving ads from appearing in browsers. Calls  – block unknown callers or send their calls sent to voicemail. Emails  – report spammers and move their messages to spam folders. Internet  – check privacy settings for accounts on Apple, Google, and Microsoft. Notification  – disable notifications for email and texts to avoid distractions. Radio  – listen to ad-free podcasts and music on streaming services to stop radio commercials. Search Engines  – turn off ad tracking on search engines. Social Media  – enable privacy settings on social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, X, etc. Texts  – block texts from unknown senders or segregate them in a separate folder. TV  – replace...

Improving Personal Performance

As we age, we get better at some things, worse at others, and reach plateaus. However, exercise and mindfulness can help us maintain abilities as we age.  Below are ages when abilities peak and recommendations for maintaining them.   Aging and Abilities Cognition  - knowledge and thinking skills continue to improve through the 70's. Practice mindfulness and read books to expand knowledge. Emotion  - ability to control emotion peaks in the 50's. Regulate emotions by keeping a mood journal, listening to music, and using meditation.   Recognition  - memory for faces is greatest in the 20's and then declines around 30. Improve recognition skills by looking for facial markings like freckles and scars. Protect eyesight with annual checkups. Memory  - short-term memory peaks by mid-20's and then declines in the mid-30's. Improve memory by eating a brain-healthy diet, using mnemonic devices, and sleeping at least 7 hours every night. Strength  - phys...

Selling Law Firms

Law firm transitions can be accomplished through closure or sale.  Causes include bankruptcy, death, disability, disagreements, and retirement. Regardless of cause, transitions are a complicated process that requires careful planning.  Below are transition tips followed by resources for implementing them.  Contact your local bar association for help from its management advisory service. Tips Closing - Close bank, escrow, and other financial accounts Communicating - Notify bar associations, clients, colleagues, insurers, and employees Billing - Establish procedure for billing work in progress and transferring cases Filing - Establish retention periods for retaining files Insuring - continue malpractice insurance coverage Liquidating - prepare  a list of assets/liabilities and plan for liquidating them Planning - Prepare a detailed plan that sets a closing date assigns responsibility Winding Down - suspend marketing and stop accepting new cases Terminating - ne...