Using Chat Tools

Law firms are increasingly using chat tools to improve client communication. The tools answer questions, collect payments, make appointments, etc. They supplement communication by email, phone, and office visits.  The tools include chatbots, live chat, and text messaging apps. Below are strategies for implementing chat at your firm. Links are provided to articles, books, reviews, and samples for further study.  

Alternatives – consider using chatbots, live chats, and text messaging.
Audience – limit use to clients and prospects by requiring log-in with contact information.
Monitor – seek feedback and test performance to protect reputation.  
Notice – mention the availability of chat on business cards, directory listings, etc.
Script – keep answers short and simple; refer complex questions to consultations.
Staffing – do-it-yourself or outsource to a virtual receptionist or website host

Barhoma Law Firm (Los Angeles, Personal Injury)
Lowenstein Firm (New York, Business Law)
Mehdian Law Firm (Los Angeles, Business Litigation)
Rosen Law Firm (Hollywood FL, General Practice)
Thapar Law Firm (Folsom, CA, Estate Planning


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