
Selling Law Firms

Law firm transitions can be accomplished through closure or sale.  Causes include bankruptcy, death, disability, disagreements, and retirement. Regardless of cause, transitions are a complicated process that requires careful planning.  Below are transition tips followed by resources for implementing them.  Contact your local bar association for help from its management advisory service. Tips Closing - Close bank, escrow, and other financial accounts Communicating - Notify bar associations, clients, colleagues, insurers, and employees Billing - Establish procedure for billing work in progress and transferring cases Filing - Establish retention periods for retaining files Insuring - continue malpractice insurance coverage Liquidating - prepare  a list of assets/liabilities and plan for liquidating them Planning - Prepare a detailed plan that sets a closing date assigns responsibility Winding Down - suspend marketing and stop accepting new cases Terminating - ne...

Managing Time

Time management increases productivity, relieves stress, and prevents procrastination. Make time management part of your daily life by delegating, planning, and prioritizing.  Consider using the apps listed below to help get things done. Learn tips and techniques by reading the articles and books listed below.   Apps Calendaring Collaboration Note-Taking Managing Projects Improving Productivity To Do Lists Timekeeping Articles Balancing Work and Life at School  Managing Time in the Workplace Improving Time Management Skills Overcoming Procrastination  Skills Need for Time Management  Time Management Tips for Lawyers Books Checklist Manifesto Habits of Highly Effective People How to Stop Procrastinating Getting Things Done

Controlling Anger

Anger can cause problems with health, relationships, and work.  Below are Healthline's tips for getting immediate relief from anger. For more ideas, see articles about causes and management  of anger ,  stress and burnout . Also see Dr. Nerison’s article for more tips and her ABA book about Dealing with the Stresses of the Legal Profession . Calming Strategiews Eat - eat chocolate and/or drink tea to relieve stress Chew - chew gum to boost mood Listen - listen to music for its calming effect Toy - interact with a rubics cube, stress ball, or worry beads Social - vent to a co-worker, family member, or friend Pet - take your pet for a walk to boost your mood Walk - walk outside to relax Watch - watch a funny video for laughter therapy Write - write negative thoughts in a journal to get them out of your head

Using Humor

Humor and storytelling can attract clients, improve presentations, persuade jurors, and win negotiations. Below are tips for storytelling and resources for improving your skills.  Tips Audience - know your audience and tailor you story to it. Content - tell   who, what, when, where, why, and how.  Delivery - make your presentation entertaining and interesting. Duration  - keep your story short and simple to avoid losing audience attention. Personality  - connect with your audience by telling a personal story from your past. Theme  - select a theme that relates to your audience and case.  Articles Being a  Storyteller Building Relationships Do's and Don'ts of Storytelling How to Tell a Story Humor in the Courtroom Lessons from Mark Twain   Persuasion with Storytelling Public Speaking with Humor and Stories Storytelling for Lawyers Using Humor at Work Books Art of Storytelling Making Your Case    Powerful Storytelling Speaking Outside...

Supervising Lawyers

Below are tips for supervising lawyers and keeping them happy. Also included are links to articles, books, and checklists for implementing the tips.  TIPS Apps - use apps to facilitate communications and productivity Availability - be available to employees by chat, email, and text Collaboration - use social events, business meetings and newsletters to promote productivity Communications - Emphasize communication between team members and focus on listening Managing - resist the urge to micro manage Planning - use policy statements to set expectations about working hours, reimbursement for supplies, and tech support. Meetings - shorten meetings and reduce the number of them  Praise - compliment employees and celebrate their milestones  Tracking - use apps to track  productivity and progress APPS Asana ClickUp Google Tasks Monday Teamwork ARTICLES Hybrid Teams Law Firm Management Managing Associates Managing Remote Teams Remote Law Firms Tips for Managing Empl...