Improving Youself
Every day provides an opportunity to improve careers, finances, and lifestyles. Start by doing a y self-assessment and then create goals to achieve during the year. Use the following tips to inspire your tactics for a better life. Consult the resources below the list to help implement your strategy. Tips Get Automated —Use practice management software to automate accounting, billing, communications, dockets, and intake. Keep a Calendar —Keep track of appointments with a calendaring app, day planner, or desk calendar. Consider cloud-based apps that can be shared with others and viewed on your personal computer, smartphone, and other devices. Create group calendars for work and home. Reduce Distractions —Switch off the notification feature on devices to stay focused and reduce anxiety. Use the do-not-disturb feature on cell phones to avoid interruptions from calls and texts. Curate news on social media to limit time spent viewing them. Set Goals —Set me...