
Overcoming Anxiety

Warning signs of anxiety include excessive worry, chronic fatigue, constant irritability, gastrointestinal distress, nagging fear, and inadequate sleep. To avoid anxiety, keep connected with family and friends, schedule weekly exercise sessions, make time for social activities and structure your days. Seek the help of a coach or psychologist if you are unable to overcome your anxiety. For additional tips, see the articles, books and websites listed below. Articles Avoiding Burnout Battling Depression Being Mindful Clearing Hazards   Clinical Depression Crying to Relieve Anxiety Decision Fatigue Defusing Time Pressure Diagnosing Anxiety   Foods to Fight Depression Maintaining Mental Health Managing Stress Fighting Forgetfulness Overcoming Anger and Anxiety Preventing Burnout Seeking Professional Help Recognizing and Treating Depression Stopping Social Media Overload   Staying Calm Thriving with Anxiety   Books Guide to a Satisfying Practice   Models for Happy Lawyers   Techniques for Fe

Zooming Tips

Zoom is a popular tool for conferences, meetings, and seminars. Assure the success of Zoom events by using a paid Zoom account that allows more participants, unlimited meeting time, and recording. Carefully choose Zoom settings like waiting rooms, muting on entry, and granting co-host controls. Ask someone to help you with logistics like inviting participants, muting their microphones, and troubleshooting technical difficulties. Schedule a rehearsal for practice and offer tips to help participants who are new to Zoom.  Prior to launching a Zoom event, remember to adjust lighting, pick background, and dress for success. View Zoom tutorials  and how to videos . For more tips, read articles about getting started , chatting strategies , looking professional , and Zooming tips . For in-depth study, read books like Zoom for Dummies  and Engaging Learners Through Zoom  and visit websites like FSBA's Video Conference Toolkit .

Protecting Passwords

Getting “pwned”  means that your password has been exposed by a data breach. A website called  haveibeenpwned  is a free source for determining whether your accounts have been pwned.  Avoid being pwned by: 1) being alert to  phishing scams and spam; 2) using caution  when opening files; 3) avoiding malicious links; 4) e nabling two-factor authentication; 5) using s trong passwords;  and 6) installing  a password manager.  If you have been pwned: 1) make sure y our antivirus programs and operating systems are up to date; 2) s can your device for malware; 3) c hange your passwords; 4) c hange security questions; and 5) c heck the settings of your email accounts to assure that they haven't been set to automatically forward messages.  For more tips, read articles about avoiding phoshing scams , backing up passwords ,  security , protecting data ,  receiving pwned alerts  and steps to take if you've been pwned . Also see the ABA’s Cybersecurity Handbook  and the New York Times revie

Creating Healthy Workspaces

Protect your yourself and others against diseases like the Coronavirus.  Enhance surface cleaning with disinfectants, increase intake of outside air, upgrade furnace filters, and use UV lights in HVAC systems. Post signs to encourage hand cleaning, masking, and social distancing. Remove chairs to reduce the capacity of  conference rooms and waiting rooms.  Space cubicles further apart and install plexiglass dividers between them. For more tips, read articles about best practices for reopening ,  boosting well-being , creating healthy workspaces ,  improving air quality ,  pandemic proofing your office ,  redesigning office space,    workspace ergonomics , and  reimagining workplaces . Consult the resources at Covid websites maintained by the ABA ,  CDC and WHO . 

Working Smarter

Work smart strategies to achieve career success, balance work/life, and reduce stress. Smart techniques include automating, delegating, organizing, outsourcing and prioritizing. Read articles with  tactics ,  tips  and  technology  for working smarter. For in depth study, read the ABA’s  Lawyer Guide to Working Smarter  and other books about  improving productivity .

Improving Your Writing

Streamline your research by using apps powered by artificial intelligence. Improve your writing by using active voice, action verbs, present tense, singular nouns and other principles of clear writing . Get inspired by reading  an article about the importance of improving writing throughout your career. Then enhance your writing skills by using the articles, books, and websites listed below.  Apps Copyscape Grammarly Microsoft Edtor Scribbr WestLaw Edge Writing Tools Articles Apps for Writing Avoiding Dictation Mistakes Checking for Plagiarism Common Mistakes Grammar Goofs Misused Words Muddled Writing Learning to Write Well   Writing Tips   Using AI to Research and Write Books Better Business Writing Elements of Style   Guide to Legal Writing Grammar and Writing Judicial Perspectives on the Written Word Legal Writing Resources Strategies for Faster and Better Editing   Style Manuals AP Style Book Chicago Style Manual Harvard Citation Manual  USA Style Manual Websites Archive of Writi

Lessons from Mark Twain

Mark Twain learned about law from his father who was a Justice of the Peace. Twain's writings have several lessons for lawyers, including learning from mistakes, listening to your opponent, and pausing during presentations. Get inspired by reading Twain's  biography , his  tips for lawyers , and his  lessons for life . For deeper learning, read his  books and an anthology of his  humorous observations about life and lawyers . Get inspired by watching Hal Holbrook perform in Mark Twain Tonight.