
Mentoring Lawyers

Mentoring enables experienced lawyers to give back to the legal profession by helping new lawyers build their confidence and skills. Mentoring is usually voluntary, but it is mandatory in a few states like Georgia and Oregon. Mentoring provides a large benefit with a small amount of effort. Mentors can create a formal program at their firm or go outside their organization to seek or become a mentor. New lawyers can find mentors by asking bar associates  or partners at their firm or using social networks to contact professors or bar leaders.  Learn more by using the resources listed below.   Articles Associating with Associates Bar Sponsored Mentoring Programs   Being Proactive ,  Benefits of Mentoring Building Relationships Creating Programs Finding a Mentor Giving Feedback ,  Mandatory Mentorships   Mentoring Tips   Reverse Mentoring Senior Lawyers As Mentors Talent Management Why Mentoring Some Programs Fail Books 60 Minute Mentoring Busine...

Avoiding Hackers

Hackers send personalized phishing emails, bogus job offers, extort ransom or use “brute force” to hack into email accounts of unsuspecting lawyers. Avoid being hacked by protecting  your passwords and  adjusting your privacy settings .  Check whether your email was compromised by using an  online tool  posted at the  CyberNews website. And read a CyberNews article to learn how hackers use stolen data . 

Marketing With Webinars

Educational videos and webinars are an inexpensive and effective way to attract new clients and keep in touch with existing ones. Webinars can establish your reputation and increase your visibility on the Internet. Consider holding monthly or quarterly webinars as live events and recording them for replay by those unable to attend. Create an archive of past webinars at your firm website and launch a YouTube page to broaden their availability. Norm Rubenstein with the Zeughauser Group cautions webcasters to provide in-depth thought leadership to attract viewers and consider podcasting as an audio alternative to webcasting.  For more webinar tips, r ead articles about  checklists ,  hosting ,  planning , producing ,  promoting , YouTube , and  Zooming webinars . Also see our post about marketing with podcasts . For in-depth study, read books like the Lawyers Guide to Marketing on the Internet , Marketing with Webinars , and  Webinars for Dummies . ...

Virtual Consultations

Virtual consultations are becoming a popular alternative to face-to-face meetings, especially for initial consultations. They are convenient for clients and productive for lawyers. Build rapport   by being prepared, attentive, and empathetic.  Use a client friendly platform like Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, or Zoom. Learn additional tips from the articles listed below. Also see our blog posts about apps for scheduling appointments  and improving client intake . Articles: Guide to Building a Virtual Law Firm  (Clio) How to Conduct Video Consultations  (Lawyer Marketing) How to Start a Law Firm in the Virtual Law Office Era   (Thomson Reuters) Making Virtual Consultations More Enjoyable  (Law Firm Suites) Virtual Consultations: Applying the Rules Virtuall y (Attorney at Work) Starting a Virtual Practice (FindLaw) Books Delivering Legal Services Online (ABA) Guide to Virtual Lawyering (NYSBA)

Working Virtually Anywhere

Switching to a virtual office can eliminate commuting and enable working anywhere in the world . Learn virtual practice tips by reviewing the articles, books and checklists listed below. Articles Alternatives for Working Overseas Creating a Virtual Office Deciding Whether to Work Remotely Downsizing Law Offces Ethical Considerations Guide to Working Remotely Remote Working Policies Virtual Law Practice Tips for Working Remotely Working Amywhere in the World Checklists Considerations Planning Technology Lists Office Sharing Providers Places to Work  Books Building a Virtual Law Firm Delivering Legal Services Online Guide to Virtual Lawyering Law Office on a Laptop