Marketing with Gifts
Gift giving is a way to show appreciation and make a connection with clients. Personalizing gifts can keep your firm’s name in front of them. Consider using an assistant to help select promotional items and distribute them to clients. Consult bar association staff to confirm that there are no ethical issues with gifting or personalization (for example, state bar regulators in North Carolina recently gave a green light for promotional products). Below are additional tips for giving promotional items and resources with additional information. Tips Budgeting - Budget about $1,000 to give away low-cost items like pens or calendars to your top 100 clients. Carefully consider order quantity since the cost per item usually reduces based on quantity ordered. In addition to the price for giveaways, remember to budget for the cost of personalizing, handling, and shipping to clients. Cards - Include a card with a handwritten note thanking clients for their relationship and express...