
Corporate Lawyering

Changing jobs can be risky when moving from a law firm to a company or government agency, nonprofit organization. Careers can be stymied by lack of advancement, job loss can result from corporate mergers, and new management can change the standing of in-house lawyers. Following are some tips and resources to help you transition to a successful career as an in-house counsel.    Tips Advancement - confirm that the company organization provides adequate opportunity for advancement within the law department and management.   Assessment - assess the job and yourself to assure that you are a good fit for the position and the organization. Career - pursue employers that have established career paths (e.g. staff attorney, senior attorney, managing attorney, director, general counsel). Networking - continuing your professional network with outside lawyers to share expertise, friendships, and career opportunities. Industry - avoid cyclical industries that are prone to layoffs ...

Curing Depression

Abraham Lincoln battled depression during his legal career and Presidency.  Lawyers are especially susceptible to depression due to the rigors of the legal profession. Symptoms include inability to sleep, loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness, diminished ability to think, and thoughts of death. Avoid depression by  setting reasonable goals, prioritizing tasks, and using bar association resources. Consider seeking  medical help if you experience symptoms of depression. For additional tips, see the articles, books and websites listed below. Articles Battling Depression Causes of Lawyer Depression Curing Mild Depression Without Drugs Depression After Medical Procedures Diagnosing Depression Foods to Fight Depression Handling Depression and Stress Seeking Professional Help Signs of Depression Spiritual Will-Being Treating Depression   Books Guide to a Satisfying Practice Lawyer Well-Being Lincoln’s Battle with Depression Models for Happy Lawyers Yoga for La...

Reducing Stress

Stress is an occupational hazard for lawyers and their support staff. Causes include adversarial work, heavy workloads, and demanding clients. Below are tips for managing stress and resources for implementing them. Tips Acceptance - recognize your limitations and adjust career and lifestyle Attitude - maintain a positive attitude  Communications - improve your communication skills  Counseling - seek help from a therapist or your state bar's Lawyer Assistance Program Health - improve you eating, exercising, and sleeping habits Management - improve time management and technical skills Articles Coping with Age Related Stress Dealing with Stress Exercising to Reduce Stress Foods to Fight Stress Handling Depression and Stress Leading Healthy Lifestyles How to Calm Down Journaling to Reduce Stress Maintaining Mental Health Overcoming Stress Preventing Burnout Protecting Your Attention Relieving Stress with Music Seeking Professional Help Using Meditation to Manage Stress Books Guid...

Marketing with QR

QR codes look like an ink splotch and have data that point to a website or app. QR codes link to a unique webpage that can be bookmarked, emailed, or left in the form of an open page on a phone’s web browser. Join other professionals who use QR codes to attract prospects and improve client relations. Following are tips for using QR codes and links to resources with more information. Creating  – generate QR codes with an app or ask your stationery provider to create them.  Colorizing  – use colors to help your QR code stand out from others. Linking   – link QR codes to useful information like announcements, articles, and bios.  Logo  – insert a logo or photo in your   QR code to make it eye-catching.   Placing  – insert QR codes onto brochures, business cards, flyers, and pamphlets. Sizing  – QR Codes should be at least 1 inch in size or larger to make them readable. Tracking  – use data analytics to track cl...

Improving Youself

Every day provides an opportunity to improve careers, finances, and lifestyles. Start by doing a y self-assessment and then create goals to achieve during the year. Use the following tips to inspire your tactics for a better life. Consult the resources below the list to help implement your strategy.  Tips Get Automated  —Use practice management software to automate accounting, billing, communications, dockets, and intake.  Keep a Calendar  —Keep track of appointments with a calendaring app, day planner, or desk calendar. Consider cloud-based apps that can be shared with others and viewed on your personal computer, smartphone, and other devices. Create group calendars for work and home. Reduce Distractions —Switch off the notification feature on devices to stay focused and reduce anxiety. Use the do-not-disturb feature on cell phones to avoid interruptions from calls and texts. Curate news on social media to limit time spent viewing them.  Set Goals  —Set me...