
Checking Facts

Fact checking is essential because of the exponential growth of news sources and partisan reporting. Remember to be skeptical, compare sources, and don't share articles without verifying. For more fact checking tips, read articles about bias ,  literacy , reliability , scammers ,  spotting fake news , and teaching critical thinking . Try adding a fact checking extension to your web browser. Check out the bias ratings of your news sources at a fact checking website  and view a  diagram of ideology ranking  of news sources.  Consult the ABA's Legal Fact Checker which seeks to help media and individuals find answers to legal issues.

Drafting Better Contracts

Write professional looking contracts by using concise wording, paragraph numbering, section headings, and tables of contents. Use letter-size paper and single spacing to make contracts easier to scan. For more tips, read articles about  form libraries , word processing ,  writing clearly , and technology tools  like document management software . Improve your drafting skills by attending an ALI Webinar  or taking a Ken Adams  workshop . Also see Dell  Toedt's  archive of drafting articles  and his contract checklist .  For in-depth study, read PLI's contract handbook  and the  ABA's Manual of Style for Contracts and other ABA books about business contracts , computer contracts , construction contracts , documenting deals ,  drafting style ,  government contracts , leases ,  medical contracts ,   prose in contracts ,  settlement agreements , structuring transactions , and tech contracts ....

Boosting Morale

Good morale benefits law firms, lawyers, and staff.  Morale improves recruitment, productivity, and teamwork. Read articles about  improving law firm morale with coaching ,  compensation , communication s, mentoring , and newsletters .  Also read articles about productivity improvemen t and boosting morale during the Coronavirus situation  and recessions . For more in-depth study, read the ABA's book about Lessons in Leadership and  Being a Champion for Your Firm and Employees .

Marketing with Blogs

Blogging builds reputations, informs clients, and markets professional services. It can be done by individual lawyers or by groups or firms. Research best practices by reviewing top ranked blogs . Add a Blog page to your firm’s website and enable visitors to subscribe for email updates. Search blogs using the ABA's Search Tool , Justia's Blog Directory , and Lexblog's Network  to access blogs published by thousands of lawyers and law firms. Learn more by reading articles about creating , hosting , marketing , readership , rankings , starting ,  syndicating   and tips .  Read books like the ABA's Blogging in One Hour  and the Dummy's Guide for in-depth study. And see below for links to Blog Pages at law firm websites hosted by Justia. Sample Blog Pages at Law Firm Webistes Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell , Los Angeles (Business Law) Leonard Sienko , Hancock, NY (General Practice) Arnold & Smith , Charlotte (Divorce Law) Siegfried River a , Coral Ga...

Marketing with Podcasts

Podcasts are recorded audio programs that are available using websites or podcast apps. Podcasting began in the early 2000’s. Now more than 30% of Americans listen to podcasts while driving, exercising, and walking. Lawyers can podcast to attract prospects and educate clients. It can be used to spotlight practice specialties or firm achievements.   Podcasting requires more time and money than other marketing activities, but it can help you and your firm stand out from others. Make podcasts available at your firm's website and on popular services like Amazon, Apple, Google, and Spotify.  Consider using a consultant to overcome technical challenges.  Below are resources for do-it-yourselfers, including articles, books, directories, and examples of lawyers who podcast.   Articles Benefitting from Podcasts Challenges Finding Listeners   Keeping it Legal Lawyers Who Podcast   Launching a Podcast   Listening to Podcasts to Get News Making Money From Pod...