
Designing a Contact Us Page

Contact pages are an essential part of law firm websites. They facilitate communication with prospects and clients by providing the firm's address, phone number, and a form for emailing, or texting, or live chat.  Contact pages can be linked to client relationship software to improve client intake, marketing, and case management. Consider including  a disclaimer that a contact form submission or email does not initiate an attorney-client relationship.  Improve your firm's contact page by reading articles about  client relationship software , contact disclaimers ,  designing contact pages , improving client contact , and  the importance of client contact pages . For further study, read ABA books about  Internet Marketing   and  Virtual Offices . See below for links to sample contact pages with the name of the client relationship software integrated into the page.  Examples of Contact Pages Frankl & Kominsky , Boynton Beach, FL (Captorra) Law Office of David M. Goldman , Jack

Embracing Change

Law, technology, and the legal profession are in a constant state of change. Master change by adopting new technologies, distinguishing yourself from other lawyers, and keeping informed on developments in the news and the law. Read articles  about adapting to a changing world ,  being a change agent , change in the legal profession ,  digitally transforming yourself , embracing change , future proofing firms ,  providing value to society ,  re-engineering the legal profession , staying informed , and  trends in law practice .

Scheduling Appointments

Appointment apps enable clients to schedule appointments without having to call your office. The apps automatically email customized confirmations, send reminders, and let clients reschedule on their own.  They are a  convenience to clients and an enhancement to firm websites. Appointment apps reduce no-shows and help convert prospects to clients.  Popular apps include Calendly and Microsoft Bookings. For more information, read articles about   improving client intake ,  using appointment apps ,  and scheduling tips . See a comparison chart  at MyShingle and check product reviews at Calendly , PC Magazine , and Software Pill .  See examples of the use of appointment apps at the following law firm websites hosted by Justia : SAMPLE WEBSITES USING APPOINTMENT APPS Jessenia Rosales  (Family) - Calendly Fatemi Law Firm  (Immigration/Injury) - Squareup Mayor Law Firm  (Bankruptcy) -  Calendly

Using Client Testimonials

Feedback enables firms to evaluate client satisfaction, determine client need for additional services, and provide testimonials for firm websites. Seeking feedback shows clients that you care about them. Methods include adding a Feedback Form to firm websites, emailing surveys, inserting questionnaires with invoices, and inviting clients and staff to serve on advisory panels. For more tips, read articles about  advisory boards ,  feedback programs , client surveys , creating testimonials ,  ethical considerations,  survey techniques , questionnaires ,  responding to feedback , seeking feedback , and   survey tips  and  techniques . View samples of online questionnaires  and  feedback forms . Also see printed forms of client surveys ,  exit questionnaires , and our blog posts about managing reputations  and marketing plans . Remember to check ethical requirements of your state bar before publishing testimonials. Below are links to sample Testimonial Pages at solo and small firm websites

Communicating with Clients

"The medium is the message" is a phrase made popular in 1964 by Marshall McLuhan in his best-selling book about media.  For maximum impact, carefully  select the medium when communicating with clients, lawyers, and staff. See below for communication options and articles, books, and samples of them.  Alternatives Articles - publish articles online and in print to enhance your reputation Face-to-face - best for emotional or difficult topics Email - useful for assigning tasks, following-up, and seeking clarification Letters - useful for formal communications and transmitting documents Memos  - report research results Meetings - best for complex and controversial matters Note cards  - use for informal communications to express concern or gratitude  Phone Calls - useful for dialogue about complicated subjects Social Media - effective for staying connected Texts - limit use to short messages Video - effective for courtroom presentations and marketing legal services Webinar