
Tracking Tech Trends

Technology helps lawyers to gain a competitive advantage and improve work and life. Following are some statistics from the ABA's Annual Survey of Legal Technology .  And beneath that are links to resources to help you adopt technology for analytics, managing, drafting, litigation, and research.  Trends Automated research - over 50% of lawyer use Westlaw, Lexis, etc. Technology Spending - over 60 of law firms budget for technology  Laptops for computing - over 50% of lawyers user laptops as for work Virtual Lawyering - over 10% work without offices Cloud Computing - over 50% of firms keep their documents in the Cloud Cybersecurity - over 50% of firms have policies to protect security (encryption, etc.) Smart Discovery - over 30% of small firms and more than 70% for large firms use it Articles Cloud  Computing Courtroom Technology Cybersecurity Litigation Management Marketing Training Books Legal Technology Guide   Cybersecurity Handbook Checklists Apps Red Flags Technologies Webinar

Monitoring Marketing Trends

Marketing by lawyers is continuing to evolve. Below are current usage rates mentioned in the ABA's 2023  Profile of the Legal Profession . And further below are links to articles with marketing tips and resources. MARKETING METHODS USED BY LAWYERS  Social Media Used LinkedIn - 96% Facebook - 31% Twitter - 20% Martindale - 18% Instagram - 13% Marketing Tools Used Event sponsorships - 44% Email marketing - 40% Blogging - 37% Printed materials - 24% Direct mail - 11% Directory listings - 9% Advertising - 9% MARKETING RESOURCES Activities Blogging Brochures Cards Directories Postcards Pamphlets Publishing Social Media Surveys Testimonials Websites Videos

Attracting Website Visitors

Posting on social media can attract clients, build reputations, and  drive traffic to websites.  Popular providers include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and X (Twitter). Below are tips for using social media and linking it to websites. Also included are links to articles, books, checklists, and examples. Tips Analyze  - use analytic tools to monitor visits to firm websites and social media. Delegate - delegate responsibility for posting and monitoring on firm social media accounts. Delete - remove links to social media accounts that have become inactive. Explain  - mention social media accounts on the firm's About Us Page. Focus - focus on a few accounts and post to them regularly. Link - make social media findable by linking to bottom of each page of the firm website. Articles Attracting Visitors with Chatbots and Videos Benefits of Social Media Best Posting Frequency Ethical Considerations Exemplary Use of Social Media Managing Social Media Marketing with Social Media

Getting Politically Active

Political activity helps marketing, networking, and performing civic duty. Below are tips for staying politically active and resources for implementing them.     Tips   Encourage Others  - rally family and friends to vote. Influence Outcomes  - influence outcomes by voting for candidates that support your causes.  Investigate Candidates  - research voting records of candidates and their truthfulness. Participate  - consider volunteering to help candidates to win election.  Register  - confirm your voter registration and calendar for renewal. Stay Informed  - read local and national publications to determine candidate positions.  Vote Early  - avoid long lines by voting early or balloting by mail.   Articles Kelsey Alpaio,  How to Respond When Someone Says I'm Not Voting , Harvard Business Review, Oct. 28, 2020. Dena Bunis,  Six Ways to Check Out a Candidate , AARP, Apr. 30, 2018. Kayleigh Lickliter,  How To Look Up A Politician’s Voting Record And Job Performance , Detroit  Documen

Blocking Unwanted Ads

Advertising can be distracting and stressful, Below are tips for blocking ads and a list of resources. Take action now to to avoid becoming overwhelmed by ads on  cellphones, computers, and other smart devices.   Tips   Browsers  – use an ad blocker to stop receiving ads from appearing in browsers. Calls  – block unknown callers or send their calls sent to voicemail. Emails  – report spammers and move their messages to spam folders. Internet  – check privacy settings for accounts on Apple, Google, and Microsoft. Notification  – disable notifications for email and texts to avoid distractions. Radio  – listen to ad-free podcasts and music on streaming services to stop radio commercials. Search Engines  – turn off ad tracking on search engines. Social Media  – enable privacy settings on social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, X, etc. Texts  – block texts from unknown senders or segregate them in a separate folder. TV  – replace live TV with ad-free streaming services. Unsubscribe  – opt out