Designing a Law Firm Logo

An impressive logo establishes your firm’s professional presence and helps it stand out from the competition. Logos can be used on printed materials like brochures, business cards, and stationery. They can also be used on electronic media like e-mail, firm websites, and social networking.  Make your logo distinctive with colors, design, and imagery. 
For more tips, read articles about building a brandchoosing a firm namecreating a firm logoillustrative examples, and types to consider. Also see below for links to creative logos used by small law firms with injury, family, and criminal law practices.

Samples of Logos Used by Small Firms
Bicycle (Law office of Jeffrey Glassman, Boston MA)
Monogram Incorporating Initials of Firm Name (Abdo Law Firm, Clinton, MI)
Animal (David Wolf, Jacksonville, FL) 
Abstract (Sandy Fox, Miami, FL)


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