Journaling to Improve Life

Journaling is a low-cost method for preserving history, promoting productivity and improving well-being. It has been used since ancient times to capture thoughts, keep reminders, and record events. Read on for tips about journaling and resources for starting a diary or journal. 


Benefits - journaling can be used to plan cases, keep time, record events, set reminders, and track well-being.

Frequency- journalize on a daily, weekly or occasional basis. Other uses include blogging, log-keeping, and expressing emotions and gratitude. 

Content - journaling can be done as a chronological record or for a free flow of ideas.

Device - select something that you can carry in your bag or pocket. Consider a notebook, planner, smartpad, or smartphones. 

Format - Consider putting journal entries in a single column consisting of dates followed by notes. 

Other Alternatives - journals are not for everyone. Other alternatives include doodle books, lists, scrapbooks, voice memos, video journals, word processing, and writing an e-mail or letter to oneself.

Privacy - remember that diaries and journals can be hacked or inadvertently made accessible to unintended readers. Avoid writing anything that would be hurtful or embarrassing if made public. Don’t write anything you don’t want anyone else to see. 

Security. consider locking and storing your journal in a secure place if using a diary or planner. Use a password and encryption when journaling with a digital device. Don’t leave your journal open when unattended.  





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