Using FAQ’s

Frequently Asked Question Pages attract prospects, boost rankings, and drive traffic to law firm websites. They save lawyer and staff time by enabling visitors to answer their own questions. FAQ Pages can answer questions about fees, hours, and practice areas. They can also explain common legal problems and how the firm can help solve them. Remember to add a search bar at the top of the FAQ Page and periodically update the answers. Enhance visibility by including a link to the FAQ Page in drop-down menus, footers, and sitemaps. For more FAQ tips, read articles about benefits, content, and design of FAQ Pages. For further study about websites, read the ABA's book about Marketing on the Internet, Clio's Guide to Website Design, and Lawyerist’s Web Site Reviews. Also see below for links to effective FAQ pages.


Questions About the Firm
Dixit Law Firm, Tampa (business and technology)
Fry Law Firm, Atlanta (personal injury)
Thurman Law Firm, Hillsboro (general practice)

Questions About the Law
Conforto Law Group, Boston (employment law)
Grabel & Associates, Lansing (criminal defense)
Lebowitz & Mzhen, Baltimore (personal injury)
Miller & Zois, Washington/Baltimore (accidents and medical malpractice)
Sapochnick, San Diego (immigration law)


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