Marketing with Surveys

Client surveys let your clients know that you care. Surveys can be used to evaluate satisfaction with services and determine additional needs. They can be  conducted at the end of an engagement or distributed annually. Conduct the survey by phone, send by mail, or create a survey page at your website. Design your questionnaire using a template from Google, Microsoft, or Survey Monkey. Provide an incentive for completion and assure responders that their replies will be kept confidential. For more tips see below for a checklist, articles, books, and samples..  

Amount of time devoted to client
Communication and Office Technology
Fairness of Fees
Friendliness of staff
Handling of inquiries
Information on invoices
Office location and furnishings
Promptness of service
Quality of legal advice


Client Service Interviews

Using Client Surveys

Designing Questionnaires


Hogan Willig (Mid-Size Firm, Buffalo)

John Day (Small Firm, Nashville)

Lichtenstein (Solo Firm,Chicago)

TWM (Large Firm, London)



PC Magazine


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