Sleeping Better

Getting 7 to 9 hours of nightly sleep helps us to avoid diabetes, hypertension, inflammation, and obesity. Eliminating interruptions during sleep enables your body to heal itself and refresh. Learn how to sleep better by reading Harvard Health Letter’s article abou steps for better sleep, WSJ's sleep strategies, and WebMD's Sleep Checklist. Review tips for avoiding night owl syndrome,  limiting light, resetting schedules, hybrid work, and sleeping on red-eye flights. Visit the Sleep Foundation website for more articles. See a doctor when sleep is disrupted by breathing difficulties. Learn serenity tips by reading articles about achieving work-life balanceovercoming anxietyand staying clamTry purchasing gadgets to help you sleep better and following these sleep strategies:  

Apps - use tracking apps to monitor sleep habits and reinforce good sleeping habits.

Banking - don’t try to bank sleep; avoid a sleep deficit with at least 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep ever 24 hours.

Breathing - at bedtime, inhale 4 seconds, hold breath for 7 seconds, then exhale and repeat 3 times.

Environment - keep your bedroom cool, quiet, and dark. Clear the bedroom of clutter.

Exercise - avoid exercise before bedtime.

Food and Drink - don't eat or drink near bedtime, especially caffeine and alcohol.

Relaxation - avoid stressors before and try listening to meditating or easy music when going to sleep.

Routines - establish daily times for exercise, meals, work, and sleep; go to bed around the same time every day.

Winding Down - gradually wind down your activity level and prepare a to-do list for next day activities. 


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