Covid Proofing Offices

Following are Covid-19 precautions for law offices. For more guidance, read articles about best practices, encouraging maskinghealth screening, leading your firm through Covidmandating masksrequiring vaccinations, and when to reopen. Also see Covid-19 websites maintained by the ABACDC , SHRMand WHO.  See Wolters Kluwer Smart Charts to follow regulations adopted by federal agencies and comply with state and local laws. 

Checklist for Covid-19 Safety

Attendance - limit headcount in the office with staggered days and times
Coordinator - appoint a  Covid-19 safety coordinator
Communication - email plans to lawyers and staff; video conference for safety training
Layout - rearrange furniture to increase distancing; limit capacity of conference rooms
Notices - promptly notify lawyers and staff when co-workers test positive for Covid-19
Planning - adopt a Covid-19 preparedness plan covering masking, vaccinations, etc.
Quarantine - isolate employees who test positive for Covid-19 
Screening - conduct daily health check of employees for temperature, oxygenation, etc.
Tracking - use tracking apps to alert employees who are in proximity to infected individuals
Vaccination - alert employees to benefits and requirements for vaccination
Ventilation - open windows and outdoor air dampers; use ultraviolet lights and HEPA air filters


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