Screening Employee Health

Many firms are screening staff before they enter law offices.  Health screening is recommended by the CDC and required by some local laws. Screening helps prevent exposure and transmission of Covid-19. Alternatives include smartphone apps, temperature checks, and self-certifications. Since screening can miss infected people, it is important to continue safety measures like requiring unvaccinated to wear masks. Below are some tips and resources for screening staff and visitors: 

Arrivals - stagger arrivals to avoid bottlenecks and contamination
Compliance - delegate compliance responsibility to a lawyer or assistant
Privacy -  limit access to daily health screening records 
Records - keep records to comply with local city/state regulations
Screenings - conduct health screenings in a private area

- apps for health tracking
Articles - articles about maskingproceduresreopening and screening
Forms - certification forms from CBIACDC, and SHRM 
Guidance - guidance from CDC, including daily screening recommendation


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