Audio vs Video Calling
Below are tips for deciding whether to use audio or video when calling adversaries, clients, or associates. Audio calling remains a workhorse for communication despite the growing use of video calling. Consider switching off video during conference calls to avoid distraction. Improve your communication skills by reading articles about best practices , calling techniques , communication policies , and video conferencing tools . Also see the ABA book about Improving Client Communications and Clio’s Guide to Videoconferencing for Lawyers . Calling with Audio vs Video Accommodation - be considerate of hearing impaired who need visual cues. Audio - useful for short and impromptu calls; use to focus on what is said and take notes. Fatigue - limit the length and number of video calls to avoid fatigue. Medium - determine the best medium for your message - calling, writing, or face-to-face Notification - alert callers at the start of calls about your preference for audio vs video. Vide